Where I’ve been

June 10, 2007 | Comments Off

The last time I had the time, energy, and opinion to write something was December, nearly six months ago, and it ended an unprecedented 10-month streak of posts. Around that time the speed of life shifted into fifth gear and slammed the accelerator because although I’ve had things I’ve wanted to post aboud I rarely had the time or energy to do it.

In December I changed roles at work. I went from being a programmer to an architect, and I moved from Internet Operations in the CTO organization to the Product division (in Video). I’ve been doing video-y things since then. The move was dramatic in many ways; we spent nearly the entire month of January visiting our remote offices, meeting with our new colleagues and getting to know them, what they do, and how they do it. It was a whirlwind trip in and of itself, except at the end of the month of January, we closed on a house, a work in progress since Thanksgiving.

Combine the duties of a new job and the stress of a moving and a new house and you’ve got yourself a perfect storm.  In case you might think I’m over dramatizing the whole thing, consider the following. We were scheduled and locked to close on the house on Monday, January 29th. On Sunday the 21st, I flew to California. On Tuesday in California I was diagnosed with an ear infection and advised not to fly until Sunday the 28th. On Wednesday, my colleagues departed for the Tucson office, while I boarded the train that would take me across the country for the next three a half days. I arrived back in DC on the Saturday before the closing (incidentally, the following Tuesday I still had the same ear infection, so the gamble paid off).

I’ve had a lot of things on my mind, especially regarding work and video and I’d like to share them once I’m clearer on the blogging policy at work. Hopefully this post is a prelude to turning the slow drip of postings back on.

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